Support a charitable event: “Week of Positive Initiatives.”

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As a non-profit organization called Stowarzyszenie Ponad Ograniczeniami, we have been working for almost 10 years to support children and youth in south of Poland. We provide assistance to those in need, educate, and inspire for personal development.

In recent years, we have noticed a concerning increase in destructive behaviors and the number of challenges faced by these young individuals, both from Poland and Ukraine.

The major problems include substance abuse (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and other substances) and the rising cases of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, which contribute to a significant increase in suicidal behavior in Poland.

Undoubtedly, this is also associated with the pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine. The issue affects not only Polish children but also Ukrainian children, who additionally have to cope with various traumatic experiences.

Therefore, as part of our efforts to counter social pathologies and provide valuable forms of leisure for children, youth, and entire families, we are planning to organize a charitable event titledWeek of Positive Initiatives” (Tydzień Pozytywnych Inicjatyw) in Gorlice from July 31st to August 5th, 2023.

The purpose of this event is to help those in need, encourage the local community to adopt a healthy lifestyle free from all types of addictions, promote sobriety ideals, and advocate for universal values that underpin a healthy and strong society.

During the Week of Positive Initiatives, we plan to host a series of happenings and events throughout the city. One of the highlights of the program will be addiction prevention and support for children and youth in combating depression and low self-esteem.

We will organize various developmental workshops for children and youth, a chess tournament, sports competitions, children’s animations, and many free attractions for the whole family.

Thanks to this initiative, many children from impoverished and dysfunctional families will have the opportunity to spend at least one week in a pleasant, family-oriented atmosphere and enjoy many activities that their families simply cannot afford.

These children often do not go on vacation anywhere else, making this experience their biggest adventure of the entire summer.

The total cost of the project is approximately 70,000 PLN (16,000 EUR). Therefore, we kindly request your support, which will allow us to prepare our initiative to the best of our ability.

As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the development of our community and the upbringing of young individuals who represent the future of our country. We rely on your generosity and financial support to enable us to realize this valuable undertaking.

The funds received will be used to cover meals and accommodation for volunteers, equipment transportation, purchase of materials needed for artistic, educational, and sports activities, rental of inflatable attractions, concert arrangements, sound system, as well as purchasing tangible prizes and gifts for children and youth.

In return for your support, we can offer a certificate of gratitude, inclusion on our website (company name/individual name/logo), and promotion throughout the entire event.

You can donate in two ways:

1. Direct bank transfer to the Stowarzyszenie Ponad Ograniczeniami account:

PL28 1240 5110 1111 0010 6178 5424

with the transfer title: Week of Positive Initiatives 2023.

BIC (Swift) code: PKOPPLPW

2. Card payment or Gpay via the platform –

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at +48 504 821 988 (WhatsApp) or email us at

We would be extremely grateful for any financial support we receive.

Check out photos from previous years.

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Tydzień Pozytywnych Inicjatyw 2023 w Gorlicach

Dziesiąta, jubileuszowa edycja Tygodnia Pozytywnych Inicjatyw w Gorlicach odbyła się w dniach 31 lipca – 05 sierpnia 2023 roku. Głównym celem akcji jest niesienie pomocy